
Retinol Booster Peel

Retinol Booster Peel

“Lunch time peel” Cascade Retinol 10 Peel is a highly effective cell stimulating and resurfacing hybrid peel. The process takes 6 hours for maximum conversion. Light exfoliation, similar to a glycolic peel in the 20% without the irritation or risk.

$25.00 deposit required

  • Price: $50
  • Duration: 30 min
Mandelic Peel

Mandelic Peel

Mandelic acid peels are a great choice for a first-time chemical peel since it treats such a wide variety of skin conditions. Because it is one of the more gentle chemical peels out there, it is safe to use for people with Rosacea or with darker skin tones while still providing great results!

$50.00 deposit required

  • Price: $100
  • Duration: 45 min
C: Vitality AHA Peel

C: Vitality AHA Peel

This award-winning peel contains highly concentrated set of vitamins and fruit-driven antioxidants that contain skin balancing nutrients that replaces traditional enzyme scrubs. Made with Bilberry Extract for better penetration and anti-inflammatory ingredients for minimal irritation.

$50.00 deposit required

  • Price: $100
  • Duration: 45 min


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